November 10, 2021

Why do we need interoperability in digital agriculture?

In ListenField, we care interoperability.

Let’s share a story of a collaboration project between India and Japan about “Data Science-based Farming Support System for Sustainable Crop Production under Climate Change”.

Last year, 33 sensor nodes from 5 organizations were deployed. Of course, each organization has a different data structure and API (or even no API). Without data interoperability, scientists shared data by downloading data from their system and send an email per request to another team. Moreover, they need several hours to understand the structure of data, convert data to their format before starting analyzing data. This is where 80/20 rule [1] applied 80 percent of a data scientist’s time is spent just finding, cleaning, and organizing data, leaving only 20 percent to actually perform an analysis. This is the reason why one of the principles that drive our culture is “standard and interoperability”. We are glad that this year, ListenField’s platform is utilized. our goal is applying 50/50 rule to this project meaning data scientist’s valuable time on performing an analysis is increasing to 50 percent.

In agricultural and environmental projects, various kind of sensors is deployed to monitor phenomenons. We have to handle heterogeneous sensor data such as data from meteorological sources and local weather stations.

Thus metadata service, standard observed property names, UoM are important. For example, when we receive a value of wind speed such as 10, it can be 10m/s, 10km/day, 10km/hour, T can be air temperature, soil temperature.

ListenField has been providing its sensor integration service to companies, universities, governmental sectors. And now, we are connecting analytics capability as a SaaS service on top.

Now IoT is everywhere, the capability of integration and interoperability is the value of our platform that can support collaboration across teams and domains.

You can access these publications for more detail. And we are here to answer any query.


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